If you are a Senior and unable to come to the library because of special circumstances we will deliver library materials to your home. We deliver and pick up your returns once a month.
Library in Motion delivers enriching materials to senior centers and housing complexes.
Library staff will select and deliver books, movies, music CDs, audiobooks, and magazines. Deliveries take place once a month.
We meet on the second Thursday of every month at 11:00a.m. for our book discussion. Please feel free to join us.
Meet new people and discover great new books. Check out a book club at a branch near you.
January 9 - The Negotiator by Dee Henderson
February 13 - Christy by Catherine Marshall
March 13 - Relative Silence by Carrie Stuart Parks
April 10 - The Ark and the Dove by Jill Eileen Smith
All meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the Ida Branch Library. New members are always welcome! Please pick up a copy of the book at the library before the meeting.
All readers are welcome to join us as we read and discuss books with an emphasis on Japanese culture/history with our friends in Hofu, Japan and members of MIFA. Discussions will be on the second Thursday of the month at 7:30 pm Monroe local