If you are a Senior and unable to come to the library because of special circumstances we will deliver library materials to you. We deliver and pick up your returns once a month.
Meet us in the lobby at 9:00 AM
We will have carts of books and movies to check out.
Delivery and pick up is once a month.
Storytime for preschool & toddlers
Enrich your child’s imagination and development with storytimes presented by the Monroe County Library System. These are fun, literacy rich, interactive programs which strengthen reading skills and foster a lifelong love of reading.
Weather Closing Statement
If area schools are closed due to inclement weather or weather-related incidences, all library youth programs will be canceled that day.
If schools are delayed due to inclement weather or weather-related incidences, all library youth programs scheduled after the delay period will take place at their regular times.
If in doubt, always feel free to touch base with your local branch to see what events are taking place.
Nature-loving readers with a passion for the outdoors, unite! This year-round, all-weather, nature-themed book club is for the adventurous reader who enjoys walking outdoors.
Please Dress for Weather
Portions of this event will be enjoyed outdoors. Please come dressed for the weather.
Meet us in the lobby at 10:00AM
We will have carts of books and movies to check out. Delivery and pick up is once a month.
Storytime for preschool & toddlers
Enrich your child’s imagination and development with storytimes presented by the Monroe County Library System. These are fun, literacy rich, interactive programs which strengthen reading skills and foster a lifelong love of reading.
Weather Closing Statement
If area schools are closed due to inclement weather or weather-related incidences, all library youth programs will be canceled that day.
If schools are delayed due to inclement weather or weather-related incidences, all library youth programs scheduled after the delay period will take place at their regular times.
If in doubt, always feel free to touch base with your local branch to see what events are taking place.
We will have carts of books and movies to check out. Deliveries take place once a month.
To place a request call Library in Motion 734-241-5770 or email lim@monroe.lib.mi.us
We will have carts of books and movies to check out. Deliveries take place once a month.
To place a request call Library in Motion 734-241-5770 or email lim@monroe.lib.mi.us
Meet new people and discover great new books. Check out a book club at a branch near you.
2025 titles announced soon.
Middle School Book Club 2025
We meet at 1:00 pm on the dates listed below for our book discussion and activity.
January 15, 2025 Reader’s Choice
Let's travel around the world with these free movie screenings! Come join us on the second Wednesday of every month in the community room at 1:00pm.
January 8, 2025 - Chicago
Food Allergens
We cannot guarantee that food served at this program has not come into contact with tree nuts, soy, or other allergens. Accordingly, the library will not be liable for such harm to any individual resulting from such allergens.
If you love historical fiction or want to try something new, join us every second Wednesday of the month here are at the branch!
Use the link to find the this month's book title!
Meet new people and discover great new books. Check out a book club at a branch near you.
All meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month at 4pm
2025 selections:
January The Women by Kristin Hannah
February Hillbilly Elegy by J.D. Vance
October meeting of the Monroe County Library System's Board of Trustees.
Petersburg Novels at Night Book Club
Meet new people and discover great new books. Check out a book club at a branch near you.
All meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month at 6pm
2025 selections:
January The Women by Kristin Hannah
February Hillbilly Elegy by J.D. Vance