If you are a Senior and unable to come to the library because of special circumstances we will deliver library materials to your home. We deliver and pick up your returns once a month.
Library in Motion delivers enriching materials to senior centers and housing complexes.
Library staff will deliver books, movies, music CDs, audiobooks, and magazines. Deliveries take place once a month.
Library in Motion delivers enriching materials to senior centers and housing complexes.
Library staff will deliver books, movies, music CDs, audiobooks, and magazines. Deliveries take place every four weeks.
Library in Motion delivers enriching materials to senior centers and housing complexes.
Meet us in the community room at 1:00pm
We will have carts of books and movies to check out. Deliveries take place once a month.
Library in Motion delivers enriching materials to senior centers and housing complexes.
Meet us in the lobby at 1:00PM
We will have carts of books and movies to check out. Deliveries take place once a month.
Library staff will deliver books, movies, music CDs, audiobooks, and magazines. Deliveries take place once a month.
Library staff will deliver books, movies, music CDs, audiobooks, and magazines. Deliveries take place once a month.
We will be discussing "God of the Woods" by Liz Moore
“Yoga with Diane” A FREE, one hour community Yoga class. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, this class is designed for all levels, all ages.
If you LOVE watching movies with friends, please join us at the Vivian Library on the second Monday of each month while we re-visit classic kid friendly movies.
The Friends of the Ida Branch Library meet quarterly at the Ida Branch Library. The meetings are open to everyone. All members are invited to attend and new members are always welcome.