If you are a Senior and unable to come to the library because of special circumstances we will deliver library materials to your home. We deliver and pick up your returns once a month.
If you are a Senior and unable to come to the library because of special circumstances we will deliver library materials to your home. We deliver and pick up your returns once a month.
Storytime for preschool & toddlers
Enrich your child’s imagination and development with storytimes presented by the Monroe County Library System. These are fun, literacy rich, interactive programs which strengthen reading skills and foster a lifelong love of reading.
Weather Closing Statement
If area schools are closed due to inclement weather or weather-related incidences, all library youth programs will be canceled that day.
If schools are delayed due to inclement weather or weather-related incidences, all library youth programs scheduled after the delay period will take place at their regular times.
If in doubt, always feel free to touch base with your local branch to see what events are taking place.
Storytime for preschool & toddlers
Enrich your child’s imagination and development with storytimes presented by the Monroe County Library System. These are fun, literacy rich, interactive programs which strengthen reading skills and foster a lifelong love of reading.
Weather Closing Statement
If area schools are closed due to inclement weather or weather-related incidences, all library youth programs will be canceled that day.
If schools are delayed due to inclement weather or weather-related incidences, all library youth programs scheduled after the delay period will take place at their regular times.
If in doubt, always feel free to touch base with your local branch to see what events are taking place.
We will have carts of books and movies to check out. Deliveries take place once a month.
To place a request call Library in Motion 734-241-5770 x213 or email lim@monroe.lib.mi.us
We will have carts of books and movies to check out. Deliveries take place once a month.
To place a request call Library in Motion 734-241-5770 or email lim@monroe.lib.mi.us
We will have carts of books and movies to check out. Deliveries take place once a month.
To place a request call Library in Motion 734-241-5770 or email lim@monroe.lib.mi.us
Looking for something new to do?
Join us on the 4th Wednesday of the month from 4pm – 6pm at the Vivian Branch Library.
We will explore your hidden talents with paint!
All supplies will be provided.
Join a book club for rebellious readers! We will discuss a different banned or challenged book each month. Readers ages 16 and up are welcome!
Meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of each month, 5:30-6:30pm
Book List